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Follow me on Twitter!

Have you use Twitter before?
Do you Tweet?
Do you have a Twitter account?
A Twitter fan?
Love tweeting?

I have been using this simple program and I am recommending to all of you.
It is aa simple add-ons into your Mozilla Firefox browser. (I love Firefox!)
It is call TwitterFox.

It allows you to Tweet wherever,whenever you are browsing the net without the need to login to your Twitter account homepage directly to Tweet.
Simply,click on it, a small pop-up will appear and while you are surfing the web,you Tweet.
It is fairly simple!
I've set up a sample how-to-install-Twitterfox video below.
Watch it as a guide.
It has an auto-pause feature where you can start following what I have shown in the video. When you are done, click play again. =)

1. Get FIREFOX 3.5
2. Search Twitterfox through Firefox addons
3. Install
4. Restart Browser
5. Have FUN!

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